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Thales DevOps Summer School

Level up your knowledge and dive into the world of DevOps with our concise summer school programme. Discover what DevOps truly means and learn the best practices that will set you apart in the industry. Are you ready for a unique learning experience?

During 6 hands-on sessions we will cover topics such as infrastructure deployment automation (infrastructure as code), configuration management (configuration as code), containerisation and orchestration. Our DevOps professionals will present some of their day-to-day activities to help you visualize a real project, revealing a glimpse into the secrets of the DevOps community.

🌟 What to Expect

  • gain insights into Thales and our ground-breaking work;
  • immerse yourself in an engaging and practical curriculum;
  • acquire valuable technical skills for your future career;
  • stay up-to-date with the latest technologies in the field;
  • experience practical learning with a variety of tools;
  • unlock ideas to automate and improve any project or process;
  • connect with like-minded individuals and make new friends.

📅 Course Schedule & Location

Classes are held 3 times a week on-site at Thales office in Orhideea Towers (Orhideelor 15A, Bucharest), between 17:00 and 20:00, by experienced DevOps engineers with extensive expertise.

Details about the curricula below.

🔹 Session 1 | 15 Jul 2024 – Engineering Tools: Linux/Networking, Git, CI/CD Overview

  • instructions on how to use the environment
  • hands-on + Python virtualenv + Automation with Ansible

🔹 Session 2 | 17 Jul 2024 – Docker: Dockerfile, Creating Images

  • hands-on

🔹 Session 3 | 18 Jul 2024 – Gitlab Pipelines & Kubernetes 1/2

  • hands-on → KIND

🔹 Session 4 | 22 Jul 2024 – Kubernetes 2/2

  • hands-on → KIND

🔹 Session 5 | 24 Jul 2024 – Helm

  • hands-on → deploy with Helm (use all yaml files from previous sessions)

🔹 Session 6 | 25 Jul 2024 – DevOps @ Thales

  • DevOps technologies applied in real Thales projects
  • project experience, Q&A
  • programme feedback

💻 Equipment Requirements

To participate, you will need:

  • a laptop/workstation with internet access;
  • Oracle VM VirtualBox installed;
  • 20 GB of local free storage space.

📝 Apply Now

If you’re excited about this opportunity, fill out the form by 26 June 2024. Afterward, we will send you a short assessment via email. Following the internal evaluation of all submissions, we will announce the selected participants and provide more details about the programme.

Don’t miss out on this chance to broaden your horizons and enhance your CV! Join Thales DevOps Summer School and pave the way to a successful career in the IT industry.

Application link 👉 https://forms.gle/4kNUXYsGLzbwFytD7


🎓Ești student sau absolvent al Facultății de Inginerie Electrică, Electronică Telecomunicații și Tehnologia Informației, Inginerie Aerospațială, Inginerie în Limbi Străine, Transporturi sau Inginerie Mecanică și Mecatronică și vrei să afli mai multe despre oportunitățile de angajare din domeniul studiat?

🗣 POLIJobs vă invită la prezentarea companiei ALTEN Delivery Center Eastern Europe – „Electrification in the Automotive and Aerospace Industries”. ALTEN Delivery Center Eastern Europe are în momentul de față peste 500 de angajați, patru sedii și oferă servicii de consultanță în domeniul tehnic, dezvoltând parteneriate cu clienți de renume la nivel mondial din industria auto, aeronautică, energetică, financiară sau medicală.

📅 28 martie, ora 11:00
📌 Sala 2.1, etaj 2, Biblioteca Centrală POLITEHNICA București

📝 Rezervă loc: https://forms.gle/17YxrjQVgB1GtYFA8

#PolitehnicaBucuresti #POLIJobs #PrezentareCompanie #Alten #AltenDeliveryCenterEasternEurope